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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jordan - Raleigh Children's Photography

My beautiful niece came to visit last week. You can't come visit without a photo shoot.

Preschool Valentine Project - Cary Kids Photography

This year I was the mom volunteer for my daughter's preschool party. For parent's gifts I had the took each kid's photo and had them create photo holders and attach their photos. I had so much fun working with the kids and watching them be silly.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Just thought I'd share a few of my sweethearts on this Valentine's Day. These were taken a couple weeks ago and I used them to make their VDay cards. So happy they finally cooperated.Hope everyone is enjoying this special day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is going on?

so I have no idea what is going on, my blog colors are all messed up! Don't know where the purple and bright blue borders are coming from. After an hour of studying the underlying code I can not find the problem! So frustrating, urgh! I did get a bizarre comment on one of my posts from some unknown person recently. Maybe they are messing with my website too? Hope to get it fixed soon. Sorry about the crazy color combinations, I really can coordinate. This was not intentional : )

Baby Dylan

Dylan was another teeny tiny guy at only 10 days old. He may be the easiest newborn I've ever photographed. He definitely was the shortest newborn session on record. Within an hour I was able to capture tons of great shots, use lots of new props and poses and leave mom with a sleepy baby. He was so much fun to work with, I wanted to pack him up with my camera gear and take him home!

Baby M

Baby Madeline was only 10 days old when she came in for her session. Usually a baby within 2 weeks old is a guaranteed sleeper. Not M! She was wide eyed the entire session 2.5 hours with the exception of about 2 mins at the very end. Once we got her to sleep she wasn't too be moved either. Mom and Dad were amazingly patient though and we did get some angelic ones at the very end, and a few of her with her proud parents while she was up and at em. Hoping for her Mom and Dad's sake she starts enjoying her sleep more! She's a doll though, enjoy her she'll grow so fast!

Sandy Puc Tour

Sunday my husband and I raced back from our weekend getaway in Hilton Head Island so I could make it to the Sandy Puc conference. I was so excited she made it to Raleigh again this year. For those of you that don't know Sandy she is a well known, inspiring photographer from Colorado. Every year she has a workshop tour, which this year includes 54 cities. The 8 hour seminar was full of photography tips, marketing ideas and enlightening stories. I left energized, excited and inspired! Such a great evening spent with many other photographers.