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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flower Headband Baby - Raleigh Newborn Photography

boy I wish I could have gotten my hands on these when my girls were babies & toddlers. bald for their first two years, I can not tell you how many times I had to tell people, even though they'd be wearing pink, he's a she!
how adorable are these? a big thank you to Angie for making them on the fly for me last week. interested in purchasing one for your baby or to give as a gift, visit http://www.littlepurpledragonfly.com/
many more styles to choose from

Sweet Baby Sara

don't you wish the double chin was in for us adults?

Waiting on a Man - Raleigh Maternity Photography

A fun, super silly, studio session Saturday with the G. Family. Mom gets a major shoutout for her coordinating outfits & matching accessories, the girls looked beautiful! Check out similar accessories here http://www.littlepurpledragonfly.com/ , adorable stuff for your little girls!
Baby #3, a boy, will be making his debut on Sept 1st. Mom was a trouper for making it down for the photos so soon before his arrival. The girls, future models,were easy peesy to photograph, total naturals in front of the camera.
Thanks guys for making my Saturday and for all the laughs. Can't wait to meet the little guy in just a few!


my favorite photo from the session. such a sweet couple. love when i can capture their true, natural expressions. this one just emanates such LOVE

these girls are very close in age to my own daughters. in an effort to lose the cheese smiles I pulled out my bag of questions. "So O do you have a boyfriend?" I should have included the look I got, this was not it, it was more like a blank stare. So Dad helping me out says "You know isn't Ryan your boyfriend(not sure if that was actually the name but lets go with it). Well this was the look we got next. I think this photo needs to be saved for the record books. I'm pretty sure this is the beginning of many more of these looks Dad : ) Too funny O.
note: look how smiley the little one is, she was all excited to talk about her BF, watch out!

Griffin's the name, but I did not have 2 F's in my bag o blocks. Luckily Mom mentioned that they will be calling him Finn, phew! and how perfect is that tattoo?

"show me your silly face!"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby Sara - Raleigh,Cary Newborn Photography

Friday I spent the afternoon with Baby Sara on her front porch. The light was perfect, the weather was cooler and breezy, so I decided to do the whole session there.

Baby S was 17 days old, suprisingly that is on the older side for a newborn session. She was exhausted the whole time I was there but I soon discovered she was a very light sleeper, (poor Mommy!)
She fought her sleep at first which was ok with me because then I got to hold and soothe her longer. Who cares about the time when you're dealing with such a sweet, soft, little angel? A few hundred tush pats, shushes and laps around the porch and she was out,cold!

beautiful rosy lips, and loved the way she slept with her feet together

A big smile while dad was holding her...

another smile for big sis(only 17 mths old herself!). Mom has her hands full but I reassured her as my girls are only 14mths apart that its the best way to do it!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What to Wear Wednesday

August came and we went on vacation. The blog went on vacation too so I missed a couple weeks of "what to wears".
Will try better to keep you full of clothing ideas this fall

Late Summer/Early Fall Clothing

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Beautiful Siblings - Raleigh, N.Y. Family Photography

The day before we left for our 12 day vacation back home to Upstate NY, an old grade school friend contacted me about photographing her kids if I ever came her way. Ironically we were leaving the next day and the camera was already packed.
I was so glad we found the time to make the session work while I was visiting. It had been almost 4 years since I'd last seen her and her family. I had never met her youngest, and her middle child was just a couple months old when I moved. Unfortunately it was a grey, gloomy, and rainy day. We postponed our morning shoot til late afternoon and managed to squeeze the session in before a downpour.
Despite the rotten weather we had a lot of fun playing frisbee, blowing bubbles, kicking around the soccer ball and finding snakes in the tall grass, all while capturing some amazing shots. Christy, your son is absolutely adorable and sweet, your middle is so photogenic and free spirited, and your youngest is completely your mini-me and by far the calmest 18 mth old I've ever met. Thanks for getting in touch it was great catching up. Hopefully on the next visit we'll have more time.