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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Have a Photography Question? - Raleigh Photography FREE online class

I am being asked all the time if I'd consider hosting a beginner's photography class. Though I would love to, lately I can't seem to find the time to pull it together so I have come up with another idea. I would like to start a monthly question and answer blog post. Learning from other people's questions is a great way to gain knowledge. Most of what I've learned in photography I've learned online from various forums.

If you have a question related to photography email it to me at Christa@mycreativeclicks.com. To get this going and entice you all....drumroll * I will be selecting one person at random from the question submissions for a FREE private one on one lesson.*
So many of my clients have really nice DSLRs but are intimidated by them. Others think that because they have the nice camera that the camera will do all the work, they'll push the shutter and a perfect picture will appear. This doesn't happen, well not 99% of the time. You need to know the basics of photography to begin capturing really good photos. And just as important you need to know how your camera works inside and out.


email me a question, any question related to photography. Maybe you are wondering what camera I use, what lenses are best for babies, etc? Maybe you know a little bit about photography and want to talk about finding the light or exposure. Or it could be a photoshop question. Basic, advanced...

All questions must be emailed to christa@mycreativeclicks.com by April 15,2011 please include your name and phone number as well in case you win and I need to contact you : )

I will answer each and every question (hopefully!) on my blog by the end of the month, so that everyone can learn from each other.

Looking forward to helping you get those cameras a clickin'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baby Jackson - Holly Springs Newborn Photography

Was so thankful that we were able to get this little guy's session in before I left for vacation. We had scheduled him for photos on day 4 but he had such bad jaundice that he had to stay under a UV blanket 24 hours a day for his first week. Each day his parents had to take him to the hospital to get his bilirubin levels checked, as you can see below his poor little heels were a mess from all the needle pokes.

My knitting friend Angie made me this super cute hat in my business colors, love her!

This photo just makes me smile. I did not notice it when I took it but look how the baby is puckered for a kiss from his big sister. Too precious!

Another beautiful knit creation from Angie, love his little toes peeking out.

And a close up of this handsome guy, long eyelashes & plump little lips, perfect!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lars 3mths - Raleigh Baby Photographer

One very adorable, super happy baby came to visit yesterday. I will be photographing him every 3mths through his first birthday. Look how much he has grown in the last 3 mths. Such a cutie...if only I could keep him : )
Great seeing you guys, more photos to come soon!

Lars @ Three Months

Lars Newborn Session