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Monday, March 26, 2012

Drop 10 Diet - Raleigh Baby Photographer

This photographer is not digging the muffin top that has started baking since I had to stop running the last couple years. Boy its amazing how fast the pounds creep up. My job doesn't help either. Yes I am normally sweating my butt off during sessions, whether its from the heater for a newborn session or earned sweat from chasing a toddler. However when I'm not shooting I'm sitting on my butt in front of this computer most of the day. Not only am I a lot fatter with my sedentary jobstyle but I also have a lot more aches and pains from the hunched over position I spend too much time in.

After continually staring at that flab roll falling over the top of my jeans as I edited my photos I became fed up! This will not be the year I retire that bikini! After discovering the Drop 10 Diet in my Self magazine I knew I had to make some changes. Overall I consider myself a healthy eater. I eat a very balanced diet for the most part, I just have two downfalls, my portion sizes (seconds please) and my preferred late night snack: a big hunk of crusty bread, lots of cheese and a couple glasses of wine at 9:30pm when my hubby comes home from work, bad, bad.

Its been 5 days since I started the diet, a record for me. I finally weighed myself this morning and discovered I lost 1 meager pound. I was really hoping for 5 but I do realize how long it takes. So on the bright side only 9 more to go.

Here is a sample of my meals yesterday. Please do not judge the photography. These were taken with my crappy phone camera, no I do not have an iPhone obviously. In fact I am giving my husband my iPhone upgrade because I am not good with phones, however after looking at these photos I'm thinking maybe I should renege on that deal. I could use a better phone camera huh?

Here are my 3 meals (Breakfast 350, Lunch 450,Dinner 450). On top of that I had a plain greek yogurt with 1/3 c.blueberries (I admit I had to choke that down) and an orange for my allowed 200 snack in the morning. Then in the afternoon I took the girls to the movies so I snuck in a bag of 100 calorie popcorn and 2 york peppermint patties for the 200 anything calories you can use or save.  I also ate about 10 plain m&ms and 2 handfuls of theatre popcorn because it just taste so much better. I knew this was going to happen because I have no will power therefore I ran 2 miles with Sophia before the movie in addition to the required circuit training workout.
So all in all I stayed the course.

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