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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Model Photography - Raleigh Photographer

Yesterday I had the opportunity to do something totally different. I was approached by a personal trainer, Andre, to take some photos of him for his modeling portfolio. We met yesterday on the campus of Meredith College. This was the first time I have ever been to Meredith and I was surprised by how beautiful the grounds were. So many interesting places to shoot. I will definitely be doing more photography sessions there in the fall.
Anyway it was a fun 3 hours working together. It seemed strange to be taking photos of such a big person, and not having to sing and dance for smiles was a nice break.
So because adult modeling photography is not my specialty, and because I am really out of shape these days, Andre & I worked out a deal photos for personal training. Seems like a win/win, however I must admit I'm a little nervous about the payback! Training to start next week. Watch his videos on facebook, I am dead!


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